Home Gym Bundle

1 950,00 € 1 585,37 €
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All you need in your garage Gym in order to get yourself some serious pumps! Based on our experience and thousands of orders from our customers, we put together this Home Gym Bundle, making sure that your backyard sessions won′t be limited by any missing piece of equipment.

You can even choose, whether you want to take this bundle with or without Xebex Rower and, of course, Home Gym Bundle comes in women′s and men′s versions.

Bundle contains:

- PG Bushing Series Bar 15kg or 20kg

- Bumper Plate set (2,5kg; 5kg; 10kg; 15kg; 20kg plates - all coming in pairs)

- Short Spring Collars x2

- Eco Certified Rubber Tile 20mm x2

- Squat Stands

- 1m Pull-up Bar

- Gymnastics Rings Black

- Kettlebells 12kg; 16kg;20kg; 24kg

- Dumbells 2x15kg; 2x20kg; 2x25kg

+ Xebex Rower 2.0 (optional)

*if you are interested in our PG Rig 120 Wallmount, that goes perfectly with this Bundle, do not hesitate to contact us at info@powergears.eu and we will be more than glad to customize our rigs for you and calculate your price. If you are looking for some inspiration, just take a look at our Garden Gyms section.